Players Constitute The Pieces | Louise Eastman & Janis Stemmermann
April 13 ‒ May 14, 2023
PLANTHOUSE is excited to present Players Constitute the Pieces, an exhibition featuring new prints and ceramics by Louise Eastman and Janis Stemmermann. The show’s title, Players Constitute The Pieces refers to the original patent application for the game Twister from 1969.
Both friends and frequent collaborators Louise Eastman and Janis Stemmermann return to Planthouse with their most ambitious collaboration to date. Players Constitute The Pieces is a complete body of work printed on linen, with a complimentary ceramic installation. Both artists bring a vibrant sense of play to their work; the monoprint series, the silkscreen edition, and the clay component highlight unique geometric compositions inspired by the game Twister and a oral motif from Stemmermann’s childhood. The silkscreen edition is printed in Brooklyn by Sara Gates at Kingsland Printing. Eastman and Stemmermann present a collection of patterns and a visually gratifying color palette, resulting in a festive and engaging world where one could easily get lost.
An essay by art historian Julia Silverman accompanies the exhibition.
LOUISE EASTMAN is an artist living and working in Brooklyn and Sag Harbor, NY. She focuses on weaving and ceramics. Currently, Eastman is making quilts. Eastman received her MFA from Pratt Institute, NY, and has recently shown at Silas Marder Gallery, Planthouse Gallery, and Russell Janis Gallery. She’s a member of the Victory Garden Collective, founded in 2016. Previously, she received a MacDowell Colony Fellowship.
A visual artist and designer, JANIS STEMMERMANN’s cross-disciplinary, craft-based work incorpo- rates sculpture, textiles, ceramics, and printmaking. In addition, she makes work in uenced by domes- tic objects’ decoration and environmental context. Stemmerann received a Pollock-Krasner Foundation artist grant, fellowships at the Vermont Studio Center, and the Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmak- errig in Ireland. She has recently had exhibitions with Planthouse Gallery, New York, NY; Tanja Grunert Gallery, Hudson, NY; and an upcoming solo show at Furnace Gallery, Fall Village, CT. She’s a member of the Victory Garden Collective along with Eastman. Stemmermann has been based in Brooklyn, NY, since 1988 and currently divides her time between Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and Sharon, Connecticut.
JULIA SILVERMAN is a Ph.D. candidate in the History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University (a secondary field in American Studies). She researches the history of craft and design during the 19th and 20th centuries.
THANK YOU Julia Silverman, Sara Gates/Kingsland Printing, Megan Fulkerson, Eugene McCoy, Christine Liderbach, Lily Schaeufele and David Smith