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Miss Democracy | Group Exhibition

May June 2020

While democracy in the long run
is the most stable form of government,
in the short run, it is among the most fragile.
Madeline Albright

Planthouse's online spring exhibition
features works by over 20 artists.

CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS: Katie Commodore, Daniel Clarke, Angela Conant, Jeremiah Dine, Elizabeth Duffy, Louise Eastman, Glenn Goldberg, Phillip Hardy, Erik Hougen, Anki King, Michael Krueger, Martha Lewis, Matt Magee, Melissa Marks, Tanya Marquardt & David Smith, John Mitchell, Rachel Ostrow, Janis Stemmermann, Victory Garden, Rita Valley, Chuck Webster, and Diana Weymar, Tiny Pricks Project.

Thank you for your support. Enjoy the show.

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