Miss Democracy | Group Exhibition
May ‒ June 2020
While democracy in the long run
is the most stable form of government,
in the short run, it is among the most fragile.
- Madeline Albright
Planthouse's online spring exhibition
features works by over 20 artists.
CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS: Katie Commodore, Daniel Clarke, Angela Conant, Jeremiah Dine, Elizabeth Duffy, Louise Eastman, Glenn Goldberg, Phillip Hardy, Erik Hougen, Anki King, Michael Krueger, Martha Lewis, Matt Magee, Melissa Marks, Tanya Marquardt & David Smith, John Mitchell, Rachel Ostrow, Janis Stemmermann, Victory Garden, Rita Valley, Chuck Webster, and Diana Weymar, Tiny Pricks Project.
Thank you for your support. Enjoy the show.